Setup Blog Content Databases


4 min read

To start creating blog posts for Stomod, it is recommended that you setup the required databases on Notion so that Stomod can sync your content from Notion automatically.
You can setup databases of the following type:
  • Pages
  • Posts
  • Tags
  • Authors
What’s the difference between pages and posts?
A page is a non-chronological piece of content i.e. it is published and updated periodically in time and can be hierarchically organized. For e.g. an “About” page or a “Contact” page.
A post on another hand is chronological in order and is part of the blog component of Stomod. Blog posts are what are shown on the homepage of your blog. You can set to have a page displayed on your homepage instead by setting it as homepage.
Another notable difference between pages and posts is that posts can be assigned tags whereas pages do not allow tags to be added to those.
By setting up databases in Notion for each of the above content type, you can have one single place for all your blog content and Stomod can determine relationships between pages/posts and tags/authors easily.

Setting up the databases

To setup the databases you can go to your site dashboard and under each of the sections for “Pages”, “Posts”, “Tags”, “Author” there’s the possibility to map their respective databases.
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Clone Databases Template

When you click on the map database button - you will be prompted to enter the public link of the Notion database where your pages/posts/tags/authors content are.
To get started with your databases, Stomod provide you with a link to clone a sample database template:
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Once you click on the link to duplicate the databases template, you are going to be redirected to Notion from where you can choose in which of your Notion workspaces you want to duplicate this template into.
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Once the databases template is duplicated, you should end up with a page “” in the root of your workspace:
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4 databases are present within that page for each of the different content types supported on Stomod: pages, posts, tags and authors.

Mapping the Pages database

To map your pages database, first go to the pages database in the newly duplicated databases template and click on “Share” on the top right corner of the Notion database page.
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Next, go to the “Publish tab” and click on “Publish to web”
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Finally copy the public link of the database as shown below:
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Once you have your public database link, go back to your Stomod site dashboard and page the link you have to map your database:
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Stomod will verify if it has all the permission on the link provided and if the link is an actual database before providing you with the fields mapping screen:
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The mapping screen is where you choose which fields from your Notion database should map to one of the pre-defined support fields in Stomod.
If you are working off our duplicated template, the field should automatically be mapped to their proper supported fields in Stomod.
Once you are satisfied with your mapping, click on “Save Mappings” to proceed with saving your mapping, linking your pages databases and syncing the content from that databases.
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Mapping other Databases

To map your posts/tags/authors databases, follow the same steps as defined for the above mapping of the pages databases, but instead of using the link for the pages database, use the one you are trying to map for accordingly. Map the public database link under the appropriate section in the Stomod dashboard as well.
Got any questions? Use the live chat or email us at [email protected]!

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